Reference Values for The Six-Minute Pegboard and Ring Test in Young-Middle Ages Healthy Adults in Turkey

Hacer Öncü Hacer Öncü
Ulaş Ar Ulaş Ar
Nurel Ertürk Nurel Ertürk
Şeyma Bülbül Şeyma Bülbül
Ayşe Elif Akdal Ayşe Elif Akdal
Ferhat Ünal Ferhat Ünal
Ebru Çalık Kütükçü Ebru Çalık Kütükçü



Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the reference values of the 6 Minute Pegboard and Ring Test (6PBRT) arm exercise test in young and middle-aged healthy adults in Turkey.

Methods: Arm length, arm and forearm circumference of participants were evaluated with a tape measure. Unsupported arm exercise capacity was evaluated with 6PBRT. Physical activity level was assessed using the Human Activity Profile (HAP) and maximum activity score (MAP) and adjusted activity score (AAP) were calculated.

Results: The study included 132 participants (mean age= 33.59 ± 11.65 years, 88 women and 44 men). According to MAS score, 3% (n=4) were classified as inactive, 21% (n=28) as moderately active and 75.8% (n=100) as active. When the whole model was evaluated separately by gender and in general; the effective variables on the number of rings for female were age (B=-1.063; t=-2.794;p=0.007) and AAS (B=0.591; t=3.993; p<0.001).Variables affecting the number of rings for male; dyspnea difference during 6PBRT (B=-11,537; t=-4.135; p<0.001) and MAS (B=1.740; t=3.773; p=0.001).Variables affecting the number of rings regardless of gender are age (B=-0.987; t=-3.743; p<0.001) and HAPaas (B=0.649; t=6.515; p<0.001).

Discussion: In this study, reference values for 6PBRT in healthy young and middle-aged adults in Turkey were determined and 6PBRT test performance is affected by age and physical activity level. Variables affecting upper extremity functional exercise capacity in men and women should be taken into account when interpreting test performance.

Key Words: Upper Extremity, Physical Activity, Physical Endurance, Exercise Tolerance, Exercise Test.