Guides For Authors

About the Journal

The Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation (JHUPTR) is a national and international, scientific, open access, free journal published electronically in accordance with the principles of independent, unbiased and double-blind peer-review process. The journal is the official journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, and published 3 times a year, in January, May and October. The publication language is English.

The journal publishes original research articles, systematic reviews, case reports, letters to editors, which are prepared in accordance with ethical rules in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, as well as related health sciences.

Journal of Hacettepe University Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation is indexed within the scope of journals accepted by Hacettepe University. The priority is given to original studies that will interest the clinicians, academicians and scientists related to the physiotherapy and rehabilitation science. Manuscripts submitted for evaluation must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent for publication.


Peer-Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to the journal are evaluated by a double-blind peer-review process. After submission, manuscripts first undergoe a technical evaluation process for compliance with journal’s guideline. Manuscripts which are not prepared in accordance with the journal's guideline are returned to the corresponding author with a technical correction request. The manuscripts that complete the technical evaluation process are reviewed by at least two independent referees who are experts in their fields. The Editor-in-Chief gives the final decision for all submissions.

Ethical Principles

The journal publishes articles prepared according to the guidelines by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (CSE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE), and National Information Standards Organization. (NISO) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The information regarding ethics committee approval, ethics committee name, ethics committee approval number and date should be stated in the 'Methods' section of the manuscript for clinical and experimental researches. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the anonymity of the participants. The signed permission documents of the participants or their legal representatives must be sent for photographs that may reveal the identity of the participants. Informed consent should be obtained from the participants for the researches, and this information should be stated in the 'Methods' section of the manuscript.

Manuscript Submission

The original research articles should not exceed 4000, the systematic review article should not exceed 5000, the case report should not exceed 1500 and the letter to the editor should not exceed 500 words (excluding title page, abstract, tables, figures and references). The number of references for the original research articles should be limited to 40. Letters to the editor should not contain abstract and tables, and should be limited to a maximum of 5 references.

When using a test or method in methodology of the study, corresponding author is responsible for obtaining the required permission, If necessary. If authors wish to use any element that is copyright protected (table, figure, etc.) from other articles, journals, books..., the corresponding author is required to obtain necessary permissions.

Authors are required to submit an originality report (from ithenticate, turnitin, etc.) during submission process.

Text formattion

  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Word files.
  • There should be 2.5 cm margins from the bottom, top, right and left corners of the page.
  • Pages should be numbered using the automatic page numbering function in the lower right corner.
  • 10 point Times New Roman should be used as font.
  • 1.5 line spacing should be used.
  • Main headings of the manuscript (Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References) should be written in capital letters and in bold. In the sub-headings, the initials should be capitalized, and the remaining letters should be written in lowercase and in bold.
  • Dot (.) should be used for numerical values in the text. In these numerical values​, two more digits should be given after the dot, excluding p and r values ​​(Example: 15.25). For the p and r values, three digits after the dot should be written.
  • Abbreviations should be given in parentheses at the first occurrence of the word, and that abbreviation should be used throughout the text.

Title Page

  • Title page should be prepared separately for all submissions.
  • The full title and a short title of no more than 50 characters should be written.
  • Author names, academic degrees, institution information and ORCID numbers should be given.
  • Corresponding author's name, academic degree, institutional information, address, telephone number and e-mail address should be written.
  • If any, detailed information regarding scholarship/grant information and other supports should be provided.
  • Author contributions should be stated in an "Author contributions" section. Authors are encouraged to use systems like "CRediT author statement".
  • Individuals who contributed to the preparation of the manuscript but did not meet the authorship criteria should be mentioned in the 'Acknowledgements' section.
  • Support and Acknowledgments: The scholarship/grant information, other supporters and organizations are indicated at the end of the manuscript, under this subtitle.
  • Conflict of Interest Statement: A potential or existing conflict of interest of the researchers should be clearly stated at the end of the manuscript, under this subtitle. Otherwise, the following statement “There is no conflict of interest to be declared” should be written.
  • If available, the Clinical Trial Number ( should be specified.


  • Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.
  • The abstract should be prepared in English.
  • Abstracts should include the following sections; Purpose, Method, Results and Conclusion.


  • 2-5 keywords from MESH should be determined.
  • Keywords should be given under the title of ‘Keywords’ just below the Abstract.

Main Text

  • Main text should include the following sections; Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
  • Introduction: Literature information about study topic, the rationale of the study, the importance of the research topic in the literature, the gap to be filled, and the purpose of the study should be stated.
  • Method: The institution where the study was conducted, the ethics committee information, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and informed consent should be stated. The method/methods should be explained in detail by using the past tense with related references. Statistical analysis should be mentioned as a subtitle at the end of the method section. The program used for statistical analysis, sample size and power calculations, all statistical methods should be clearly stated.
  • Results: Results should be given in this section. In the numerical values​​, two more digits of the number should be given after the dot, excluding the p and r values ​​(Example: 15.25). The p and r values ​​should be written with three digits after the dot. Absolute values ​​for p and r values ​​should be given (Example: p=0.041). Using the expression p<0.05 should be avoided. It is important to use simple and easy-to-read Tables and Figures. The total number of tables and figures should be at most 6.
  • Discussion: The findings of the study are interpreted with the support of the literature. Statistical results should not be repeated in discussion section. The limitations and ideas for future researches are presented at the end of the discussion section.
  • Conclusion: Conclusion section should include the contribution of the study results to the field/science/clinic and suggestions as a paragraph.


  • All tables should be simple word table (no design should be used). Space-bar should not be used to center the text within the table. Click here for a table template.
  • All tables should be placed on separate pages.
  • All tables should be numbered.
  • Tables should be cited in the text in sequential numerical order.
  • A table number and a title should be written for each table, and should be placed at the top of the table.
  • Footnotes for tables should be shown in superscript lowercase letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included at the bottom of the table.


  • Figures should be prepared in 'JPEG' format as a separate file. Figures should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  • All figures should be numbered.
  • Figures should be placed after the tables, and if there is no tables, all figures should be placed after the references
  • The location of each figure in the text should be specified, and should be cited in the text in sequential numerical order.
  • Each figure must have a figure number and a figure title.
  • The titles of all figures should be placed on separate pages after the references.


  • References should be placed after the main text of the manuscript, and should be numbered in parentheses with Arabic numerals according to the order of occurrence in the text. For example; (1).
  • If more than one reference is cited, a comma should be placed between the references and no spaces should be left before or after the comma. For example; (1,2,3-5).
  • Journal names should be presented in abbreviated form according to Index Medicus.
  • The journal needs a bibliography arranged in the style of 'VANCOUVER'. The order is as follows: Author(s) name(s), - Article name - Journal name (abbreviated according to Index Medicus) - Publication year - Journal volume and number – Pages (Example: 10-5).
  • If the number of authors is 6 or less, the names of all authors should be written. If the number of authors is more than 6, the first 6 authors should be written, the other authors are specified as "et al." for Turkish articles and "et al." for English articles.

For journal articles = Serel Arslan S, Demir N, Karaduman AA, Belafsky PC. The Pediatric Version of the Eating Assessment Tool: a caregiver administered dyphagia-specific outcome instrument for children. Disabil Rehabil. 2018;40(17):2088-92.

For books = Brooks A, Mahoney P, Rowlands B. ABC of tubes, drains, lines and frames. 1st ed. Malden: BMJ Books, Blackwell Pub.; 2008.

For book chapters = Serel Arslan S, Demir N, Karaduman AA. Dysphagia rehabilitation. In: Arsava EM, ed. Nutrition in neurologic disorders. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG; 2017: p. 139-153.

For congress abstracts = Serel Arslan S, Kılınç HE, Yaşaroğlu ÖF, Demir N, Karaduman AA. The effect of airway aspiration on quality of life of the caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. 7th Congress of European Society for Swallowing Disorders, September 21-22, 2017, Barselona, Dysphagia; 2018;33(4):568.